I was the smallest baby in the hospital nursery.
They called me “Skinny, Binny, Whinny” in grade school.
I have a small frame.
You get the picture; I’m not a big person and shouldn’t carry a lot of weight. At times my love of food and my physical makeup have been at odds. A while back, age, genetics and my cooking caught up with me and it was necessary to deal with it. I enlisted the help of a personal trainer. Her nick name is, “The Whip”. I’ll tell you more about her another time. Anyway, we got the job done over a period of months and I resolved to never again sway more than two pounds from my size four form regardless of my culinary inclinations. My blue jeans have just announced some bad news by way of pinching my thighs. I’m about a 4 1/2 now.
I told myself when staring down the trip to France and the Holidays, “Don’t blow it, you can’t afford a new wardrobe.” We’ll, I’m only human; what two more glorious temptations could one succumb to. I indulged in France and came back inspired and then the Holidays where way too jolly. It all added up when I pulled on those jeans.
However, I refuse to live on salads so……
January 2nd and back to the basics:
Curb the carbs
Portion control
Aerobics everyday
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