Some time ago, my husband handed me a small wrapped package when he came home from work. "Robert came by the office and said to give you this." No further explanation; I had no idea what it was but when I opened the wrapping to see a 5 inch piece of flexible plastic tubing, it occurred to me this was the garlic peeler Robert had described after I'd whined about how much trouble I thought garlic prep was. I must have sounded like a woman with chipped nail polish or mascara that smudges to him but he saw my need for enlightenment and responded immediately. Compassion without judgement.
Peeling garlic is one of those tedious but necessary skills in food preparation. It's part of the "mise en place" I go through in organizing ingredients for numerous dishes. Garlic is extraordinarily flavorful and even has health benefits so it's important to find an efficient way to peel off the paper like skin of those pesky little cloves without expending too much time and effort. Like chopping onions that make you cry or peeling shrimp, you are always looking for a better way to do it.
I've employed the "nip and pick" method. Using a small knife, nip off the root end and carefully peel away the skin. This works ok if the garlic isn't very fresh and the skin has separated slightly from the clove flesh as it dehydrates. You might opt to do this for a single clove but it gets pretty frustrating if you have more.
There's the more aggressive method by smashing a clove under the flat side of a knife blade and then popping it with your fist quickly. Be sure the sharp side of the blade is turned away from you. The skin is immediately separated from the flesh but the clove is smushed depending on the violence of your blow. You can still mince but it's somewhat mangled. I use this when I want garlic to infuse oil or vinegar because it's juice is somewhat expressed from the pressure.
If you need a good number of cloves peeled, there's the ridiculous, primitive shaking method I first saw on Rachel Ray's program. Separate the entire pod and put all the individual cloves into a small metal bowl and cover with another inverted bowl, holding the two together, shake vigorously. All the cloves banging around is suppose to beat the skins off. This might peel a few and loosen up the rest but it really doesn't work very well.
Quickly blanching in boiling water is another option to loosen skins but you still have to manually remove those papery skins. You may lose some flavor and texture here too.
Finally, you can buy whole jars and containers of processed peeled garlic. I don't even want to think how they did that, do you?
The simple gadget Robert gave me makes the task nearly effortless. It's inexpensive, never wears out or needs repair and is available in many stores. I think I ignored it before because it was too simple. Just insert the clove in the tube, roll it back and forth on the counter under mild pressure with your palm and you have an unblemished garlic clove free of its skin. Who else but an architect and graduate from engineering school would have the best device. A serious foodie who was worthy of membership in France's Conferie des Diamants Noir (The Fraternity of Black Truffles), I took anything he said to heart and was touched he'd taken the time to procure this for me.
Last week, we went to his bedside to say goodbye just days before he passed away. He was too weak to say much but smiled when I thanked him again for the life changing garlic peeler. Aside from making the task easier, it was his encouragement I appreciated more. He was superior in knowledge and skill but generously shared his enthusiasm for food with me. I've pictured above my two favorite kitchen tools; the peeler and my knife. They're like family jewels to me - but Robert was the real gem.